Celtic Mythology – The Hill of Uisneach


I am delighted to announce that we have a new Seanchaí on board, Oein DeBhairduin.

Oein is a grandson of a well known Galway Seanchaí whose childhood was filled with the tales and adventures of the elder-folk, an influence that has had a profound and ongoing effect which bred within him a daily hunger for connections and reflections. Oein is a trained psychologist and qualified herbalist, alongside being a practicing astrologer and horoscopist for numerous newspapers and magazines. He currently manages Dervish Bookshop and Holistic Centre in Dublin city centre while also running an online apothecary www.irishapothecary.com which focuses on traditional wild harvested Irish herbs, remedies and crafts.

You can read Oein’s tale of the Hill of Uisneach in our Celtic Mythology section, here.  Hopefully more to come very very soon. 🙂


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