Offering Celestial Resonance Healing, Dance Alchemy Movement Therapy Group or one to one sessions at the Wellness Centre in Sligo.
Appointments can be made for one to one sessions on Wednesday’s at:
10.00 am / 12.20 pm / 13.20 pm
We will explore dance authenticity, a transformative practice which liberates and enables you to experience life to your full potential. We will explore ways to hold your center whilst creating in chaos, rebalancing of the human psyche & embodying sacred & the divine.
This space can only hold 8 people attending!
Another session will be introduced if there are more than 8 people interested in the regular group.
Starts Wednesday October 10th
11am – 12.15pm
@The Wellness Centre in Sligo
Sessions run in blocks of 4
70 euro’s
If interested please send an email to
Celestial Resonance Healing,
clears and rebalances the aura and energetic meridians of the body,
releases negative chi from your physical and subtle bodies,
creating a harmonic balance.
This works by channeling universal,
celestial & elemental life force energies to where it is needed.
It re- aligns higher self imprints into the core of your D.N.A and
romotes healing on a cellular level.
55 euros / 45 euros concessions for 1 hour session
Dance Alchemy one to one Movemnet Therapy sessions.
You are guided through movement to release negative holding patterns and liberate your body and integrate positive affirmations.
Correct posture, breathing, N.L.P and mirroring are some of the techniques.
65 euros / 50 euros concessions for 1 hour session